"The one who blesses others is abundantly blessed: Those who help others are helped."
Proverbs 11:25
This post is in honor of all the people who have been backing me up for the Kibbie project!
The blanket I received in the hospital, while mourning the loss of my beautiful daughter, has been a great comfort in this awful moment in my life. I think it is the physicality of the item that offers comfort when my girl is unable to be here with me in my arms. I can't hold her or touch her or carry her around.
But I can hold her blanket close and cry when I need to.
And I can caress its corners when I'm thinking about her adorable face.
I am able to carry it over an arm and talk to my Lia when I'm feeling alone.
I want other moms to feel that comfort. I want them to have that tangible reminder that, yes, your daughter was here! And, yes, your son was wonderful! Even if no birth certificate was allowed (as in my case), remember that your child was a human soul, and has been since conception! They lived in our bellies and they continue to live in our hearts... I don't want any of those mommies to forget that.
There are no words for the love I've been shown during this unbelievably difficult time in my life. It is common knowledge that my little blanket project is the one thing that calms me and keeps me focused on the future instead of the not-so-distant past.
There have been so many people jumping on this proverbial band wagon with me. I know that there is a mommy out there, crying her eyes out, her heart breaking for the loss of her precious gift. I know that there is a mommy out there who has in her hands one of the blankets from Lia's Kibbies and is comforted (if only a little) by that piece of her child which is tangible.
We may never hear a word from the families blessed by our talents. We may never know the names of those precious children that are laughing in heaven with my Lia. We may never know how those mommies are doing, if there's anything else we can do, or if they're just too heartbroken to let us know.
But God works with wonders that never cease, and I believe that one day we will be blessed as we have been blessing others.
Maybe we'll hear a word from a family that was given a Kibbie. Maybe we'll be able to honor the memory of Lia's new friends. Maybe we'll find out about those mommies, how they are doing, what we can help with, and to hold them through those rough days...
You never know!
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